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E-ink EDP Display Technology

Working principle of electronic ink screen

"E-ink is mainly composed of a large number of microcapsules, which are about the diameter of human hair. Each microcapsule contains positively charged white particles and negatively charged black particles suspended in the clear liquid. When the electric field is set to positive, the white particles move to the top of the microcapsule, so they appear white. At the same time, the black particles are pulled to the microgel If the opposite electric field is applied, black particles appear at the top of the capsule, so they appear black.

To the naked eye, e-ink looks like a bottle of ordinary ink, but there are millions of tiny microcapsules suspended in the e-ink liquid. Inside each capsule is a mixture of dye and pigment chips, which can be affected by electric charge. In order to see the microcapsule of e-ink, you can think of it as a clear plastic water polo. The water polo contains dozens of table tennis balls and water What is filled in the ball is not air but pigment water. If you look at the water polo from the top, we can see that many white table tennis balls are suspended in the liquid, so the water polo looks white. If you look at the water polo from the bottom, you only see pigment water, so the water polo looks black. If you put thousands of water polo into a container and make these table tennis balls between the top and bottom of the water polo You can see that the container is changing color. This is the basic principle of e-ink. In fact, these water balloons are microcapsules 100 microns wide. In 1 square inch, they contain about 100000 microcapsules. If you print e-ink on a page of paper, a sentence contains more than 30 microcapsules.
E-ink is a new material produced by the integration of chemistry, physics and electronics. The manufacture of microcapsules itself only involves relatively simple chemistry, which can be compared to making salad! Microcapsules are called a colloidal material after they are made. This material is a small solid particle that bears the physical properties of liquid. Therefore, microcapsules are suspended in liquid "carrier" like traditional ink However, it will adhere to any surface that ordinary ink can use. It can be printed by existing screen printing processes. The microelectronic technology of printing changes the color of ink particles and produces words and pictures.

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